If you were writing a timeline of a historical period, what type of graphic organizer would you most likely choose to use in your pre writing to help with time order

1.word web
2.sequence chart
3.story map

The most appropriate graphic organizer to use in prewriting for a timeline of a historical period would be a sequence chart (option 2). A sequence chart helps to organize events in chronological order, making it well-suited for creating a timeline.

The most suitable graphic organizer to use in pre-writing for a timeline of a historical period would be a sequence chart. A sequence chart is specifically designed to help organize events in chronological order, making it the ideal choice for arranging and presenting a timeline.

If you were writing a timeline of a historical period and wanted to organize it in a pre-writing stage, the most suitable graphic organizer would be a sequence chart.

A sequence chart is a graphic organizer that helps to illustrate the order of events or steps in a chronological manner. It is specifically designed to show the flow of time and helps to visualize the progression of events. In the context of a historical timeline, a sequence chart would enable you to accurately represent and arrange the events in their chronological order, ensuring that the timeline is presented in a logical and coherent manner.

To create a sequence chart, you would typically write down the events or milestones of the historical period in the order they occurred. The horizontal axis of the chart represents time, while the vertical axis is used to list the events in the correct order. You can use arrows or lines to connect the events and indicate their connections or dependencies.

By using a sequence chart as a pre-writing tool, you can map out the timeline of the historical period, making it easier to identify any gaps in your knowledge or areas that require further research. It also provides a visual framework that helps you to effectively organize your ideas and ensure a coherent and accurate representation of the timeline in your final writing.