4: What did Europeans hope to obtain from Asia through trade routes like the Silk Road? (1 point)

O a Maize and potatoes

O b. Spices, silk, jewelry, and tea

O c. Gold and silver

Od Furs and timber

b. Spices, silk, jewelry, and tea

The answer is b. Europeans hoped to obtain spices, silk, jewelry, and tea from Asia through trade routes like the Silk Road.

To answer this question, we need to understand the purpose of the Silk Road and what Europeans were seeking from Asia. The Silk Road was an ancient trade route that connected Europe with Asia, particularly China, during the Middle Ages. It served as a major pathway for the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures.

Europeans hoped to obtain valuable commodities from Asia through the Silk Road. These commodities included spices, silk, jewelry, and tea. These items were highly sought after in Europe due to their scarcity and exotic nature. Spices like cinnamon, pepper, and cloves were particularly valuable as they were used to flavor food, preserve meats, and mask the taste of spoiled food.

Moreover, silk was in high demand in Europe for its luxurious texture and its use in making fine clothing and tapestries. Jewelry, especially gemstones, attracted Europeans as symbols of wealth and status. Tea, although initially introduced as a medicinal drink, later became a popular beverage among the aristocracy.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b. Spices, silk, jewelry, and tea. Europeans aimed to acquire these goods through the trade routes like the Silk Road.