2: Which explorer convinced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to finance a voyage in search of a new water route to Asia? (1 point)

a Marco Polo

Ob Christopher Columbus

O Vasco da Gama

d Ferdinand Magellan

d Ferdinand Magellan

The explorer who convinced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to finance a voyage in search of a new water route to Asia was Christopher Columbus.

To determine which explorer convinced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to finance a voyage in search of a new water route to Asia, we can analyze the options:

a) Marco Polo: Marco Polo was a famous Venetian merchant and explorer, but he did not convince King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to finance such a voyage.

b) Christopher Columbus: Christopher Columbus is the correct answer. He approached King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella and presented his plan to find a new trade route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. Eventually, they agreed to support his voyage, and in 1492, Columbus set sail and discovered the Americas.

c) Vasco da Gama: Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who found a direct sea route from Europe to Asia by sailing around the Cape of Good Hope in Africa. He did not convince the Spanish monarchs to finance his voyage.

d) Ferdinand Magellan: Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer, but he convinced King Charles I of Spain to finance his expedition, not Ferdinand and Isabella.

Therefore, the correct answer is b) Christopher Columbus.