In 3 hours, the Johnson family traveled 195 miles by car. How far will they travel in 5 hours?(1 point)

To find out how far the Johnson family will travel in 5 hours, we can use a proportion.

The proportion would be:

3 hours / 195 miles = 5 hours / x miles

We can cross multiply to solve for x:

3 * x = 5 * 195

3x = 975

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3, we find:

x = 325

The Johnson family will travel 325 miles in 5 hours.

To find out how far the Johnson family will travel in 5 hours, we can set up a proportion using the information given:

In 3 hours, they traveled 195 miles.
So, in 1 hour, they would travel 195/3 = 65 miles.
Now, we can use this rate to find out how far they will travel in 5 hours.
In 5 hours, they would travel 65 x 5 = 325 miles.
Therefore, the Johnson family will travel 325 miles in 5 hours.

To find out how far the Johnson family will travel in 5 hours, we need to determine the distance they can cover per hour.

Given that they traveled 195 miles in 3 hours, we can divide the total distance by the total time traveled:

Distance per hour = Total distance / Total time

In this case, it would be:

Distance per hour = 195 miles / 3 hours

To find the distance they will travel in 5 hours, we can simply multiply the distance per hour by the number of hours:

Distance in 5 hours = Distance per hour * 5 hours

So, Distance in 5 hours = (195 miles / 3 hours) * 5 hours

Simplifying this equation gives us:

Distance in 5 hours = 65 miles/hour * 5 hours

Finally, Distance in 5 hours = 325 miles

Therefore, the Johnson family will travel 325 miles in 5 hours.