60x - $300 ≤ 500,000 - $300

0.60x ≤ 499,700
x ≤ 499,700 / 0.60
x ≤ 832,833.33
Solve your inequality from part D and graph your solution on a number line.
Explain what your solution means in terms of the situation.
Part D. t ≤ 200

To solve the inequality t ≤ 200, we will graph the solution on a number line.

The number line will start at 0 and end at 200. We will plot all values of t that are less than or equal to 200.

The solution t ≤ 200 means that all values of t that are less than or equal to 200 satisfy the inequality. In the context of the situation, it means that "t" represents a certain quantity or value, and all values of t that are less than or equal to 200 are within the acceptable range or meet the criteria of the situation.

To solve the inequality t ≤ 200, we need to evaluate t and determine if it is less than or equal to 200.

This means that any value of t that is less than or equal to 200 will satisfy the inequality. Any value of t that is greater than 200 will not satisfy the inequality.

To graph the solution on a number line, we will represent the values of t from negative infinity to positive infinity on a horizontal line and mark the value 200 with a closed dot. Then, we shade the portion of the number line to the left of 200 to represent all the values of t that satisfy the inequality.

The solution of t ≤ 200 means that any value of t that is less than or equal to 200 is a valid solution. In the context of a situation, let's say t represents the number of days it takes to complete a task. The inequality t ≤ 200 suggests that the task can be completed in 200 days or less. Any number of days less than or equal to 200 is within the acceptable range and meets the requirement.

To solve the inequality t ≤ 200, we need to find all possible values of t that are less than or equal to 200.

To graph the solution on a number line, we start by drawing a horizontal line and marking a point at 200. Since the inequality includes t being equal to 200, we fill in a solid circle at the point 200 to indicate that it is included in the solution. Then, we shade the region to the left of the point 200, because all the values that are less than 200 satisfy the inequality.

In terms of the situation, this solution means that t should be less than or equal to 200. For example, if t represents time, this inequality could represent a time constraint, stating that a certain event must occur within 200 units of time. Any value of t that is less than or equal to 200 would satisfy this requirement.