1. What were the TownShend Acts?

A. The British put taxes on imported goods such as tea and glass.
B. The British put taxes on hotels and other lodging accommodations.
C. The British put taxes on newspapers, magazines, and official licenses.
D. The British put taxes on all goods not exported or imported on British ships.
2. Which statement BEST explains why anti-British sentiment was less in South Carolina than in many other colonies?
A. South Carolina was not as successful as the other colonies, and it could not afford to raise funds to fight the British.
B. South Carolina had more British settlers than the other colonies, which made the colony more loyal to Great Britain.
C. South Carolina was a younger colony than most of the others; as a result, it still needed much support from Great Britain.
D. South Carolina was less affected by a number of British laws and was permitted to continue to trade its staple rice crop.
3. How did the colonial boycott on British goods affect the mother country?
A. Great Britain maintained its profits by increasing the prices on its goods.
B. Great Britain maintained its profits by trading with colonies in the West Indies.
C. Great Britain lost profits because its American colonies would not buy its goods.
D. Great Britain lost profits because it could not manufacture enough goods to meet the demand.
4. Which of the following was NOT an example of British tyranny over the colonists?
A. Britain stationed a standing army in the colonies.
B. Parliament instructed colonists to quarter British troops.
C. Writs of assistance allowed the British army to search for smuggled goods.
D. An illumination was held when the British parliament repealed the Stamp Act.
5. How did South Carolinians help Bostonians after the passage of the Intolerable Acts?
A. They sent money.
B. They sent rice.
C. They sent ships.
D. They sent troops.

1. A. The British put taxes on imported goods such as tea and glass.

2. D. South Carolina was less affected by a number of British laws and was permitted to continue to trade its staple rice crop.
3. C. Great Britain lost profits because its American colonies would not buy its goods.
4. D. An illumination was held when the British parliament repealed the Stamp Act.
5. B. They sent rice.

1. The correct answer is A. The Townshend Acts were a series of British laws passed in 1767 that imposed taxes on imported goods such as tea, glass, lead, paint, and paper.

To find the answer, you can do a quick search on the internet using keywords like "Townshend Acts" or "what were the Townshend Acts." This will give you many sources that explain the purpose and details of the Townshend Acts. Reading through these sources will help you understand that the Townshend Acts were indeed taxes on imported goods.

2. The correct answer is D. South Carolina was less affected by a number of British laws and was permitted to continue to trade its staple rice crop.

To answer this question, you can analyze each answer choice and evaluate its validity. Option D states that South Carolina was less affected by British laws and could continue to trade its staple rice crop. To confirm this, you can search for information about South Carolina's relationship with Britain during the colonial period. Look for sources that discuss the impact of British laws on South Carolina and the permissions granted to the colony. This research will help you understand why South Carolina had less anti-British sentiment compared to other colonies.

3. The correct answer is C. Great Britain lost profits because its American colonies would not buy its goods.

To get the answer, you can examine each answer choice and evaluate its accuracy. Option C states that Great Britain lost profits because its American colonies would not buy its goods during the colonial boycott. To confirm this, you can search for information on the effects of the colonial boycott on British trade and the economy. Look for sources that explain the reasons behind the boycott and the impact it had on British commerce. This research will help you understand how the boycott affected the mother country.

4. The correct answer is D. An illumination was held when the British Parliament repealed the Stamp Act.

To find the answer, you can analyze each answer choice and evaluate its accuracy. Option D states that an illumination was held when the British Parliament repealed the Stamp Act. To confirm this, you can search for information about the repeal of the Stamp Act and any celebrations or events surrounding it. Look for sources that discuss the aftermath of the Stamp Act and the reactions of the colonists. This research will help you understand if there were any illuminations or similar events held during that time.

5. The correct answer is B. They sent rice.

To answer this question, you can evaluate each answer choice and assess its validity. Option B states that South Carolinians helped Bostonians after the passage of the Intolerable Acts by sending rice. To confirm this, you can search for information about the aid provided by South Carolina to Boston after the Intolerable Acts were passed. Look for sources that discuss the response of South Carolina and the types of aid they provided. This research will provide insights into the specific assistance extended by South Carolinians to Bostonians.

1. The Townshend Acts were a series of taxes imposed by the British on imported goods such as tea and glass (A).

2. The reason anti-British sentiment was less in South Carolina compared to other colonies was because South Carolina was less affected by British laws and was still allowed to trade its staple rice crop (D).
3. The colonial boycott on British goods resulted in Great Britain losing profits because its American colonies would not buy its goods (C).
4. An illumination was held when the British parliament repealed the Stamp Act, so it was not an example of British tyranny over the colonists (D).
5. South Carolinians helped Bostonians after the passage of the Intolerable Acts by sending ships (C).