And oil spill covers 4 square kilometers in 1/4 of an hour. At this rate, how many square kilometers will it cover in 2 hours?

A: 16 square kilometers
B: 8 square kilometers
C: 32 square kilometers
D: 2 square kilometers

To find the rate at which the oil spill covers the area, we divide the area by the time. The rate is 4 square kilometers / (1/4) hour = 16 square kilometers per hour.

To find how many square kilometers the oil spill will cover in 2 hours, we multiply the rate by the time: 16 square kilometers/hour * 2 hours = 32 square kilometers.

Therefore, the answer is C: 32 square kilometers.

To solve this problem, we first need to determine the rate at which the oil spill is spreading.

Given that the spill covers 4 square kilometers in 1/4 of an hour, we can find the rate by dividing the number of square kilometers by the time taken:
Rate = 4 square kilometers ÷ (1/4 hour) = 4 square kilometers × (4/1) = 16 square kilometers per hour.

Now that we have the rate of spread, we can determine how many square kilometers the oil spill will cover in 2 hours by multiplying the rate by the time:
Area covered = Rate × Time = 16 square kilometers per hour × 2 hours = 32 square kilometers.

Therefore, the correct answer is C: The oil spill will cover 32 square kilometers in 2 hours.

To solve this problem, we need to know the rate at which the oil spill is spreading.

Given that the oil spill covers 4 square kilometers in 1/4 of an hour, we can find the rate by dividing the area covered by the time it takes to cover that area.

The rate of the oil spill is 4 square kilometers / (1/4) hour, which simplifies to 4 * 4 = 16 square kilometers per hour.

Now we can use this rate to calculate how many square kilometers the oil spill will cover in 2 hours.

Multiplying the rate (16 square kilometers per hour) by the time (2 hours), we get:

16 square kilometers/hour * 2 hours = 32 square kilometers.

Therefore, the oil spill will cover 32 square kilometers in 2 hours.

The correct answer is option C: 32 square kilometers.