The Electoral College determines the president and vice president. Each state is given two votes in the college, as well as extra seats based on the state’s population. What is the purpose of the distribution of seats?

(1 point)

to ensure that the best candidate is elected president
to ensure that the best candidate is elected president

to ensure that the president is supported by most citizens
to ensure that the president is supported by most citizens

to ensure the president represents small and large states proportionally
to ensure the president represents small and large states proportionally

to ensure that the president is chosen by Congress and not popular vote

to ensure that the president represents small and large states proportionally

to ensure the president represents small and large states proportionally

The purpose of the distribution of seats in the Electoral College is to ensure that the president represents small and large states proportionally. Each state is given two votes in the college, representing their two Senate seats, and additional seats based on the state's population, representing their House of Representatives seats. This distribution aims to balance the influence of both smaller and larger states, so that no state is overly favored or underrepresented in the election process. By incorporating both the population-based seats and the equal representation of each state, the Electoral College attempts to strike a fair balance in the selection of the president, ensuring that the interests and concerns of all states are taken into account.