9. Select the correct response from the drop-down menu.(1 point)

developed the most complex writing system in the Americas.


The correct response from the drop-down menu is "Maya."

To select the correct response from the drop-down menu, you need to identify which civilization developed the most complex writing system in the Americas.

To answer this question, you can use your knowledge of ancient civilizations or refer to reliable resources such as textbooks or reputable websites that provide information about the writing systems of different civilizations in the Americas.

Based on historical information, the correct response in this case would be the Maya civilization. The Maya people developed a highly advanced writing system known as hieroglyphs, which consisted of complex symbols that represented both sounds and ideas. This writing system was used primarily for recording historical events, religious rituals, and the genealogy of rulers.

Therefore, if you were given a multiple-choice drop-down menu with options like "The," "Choose," "Maya," "Aztec," "Olmec," and "Zapotec," you should select "Maya" as the correct response.