How many inches is a length measuring 6 feet 10 inches? There are 12 inches in a foot.(1 point) Responses 82 inches 82 inches 13 inches 13 inches 62 inches 62 inches 72 inches 72 inches

To convert 6 feet into inches, we need to multiply 6 by 12 because there are 12 inches in a foot. So, 6 feet is equal to 72 inches. Adding the additional 10 inches, the total length is 72 + 10 = 82 inches. Therefore, the correct answer is 82 inches.

To convert 6 feet 10 inches into inches, we need to multiply the number of feet by 12 (since there are 12 inches in a foot) and then add the number of inches.

6 feet * 12 inches/foot = 72 inches

Now add the 10 inches:

72 inches + 10 inches = 82 inches

So, the length measuring 6 feet 10 inches is 82 inches.

To find the number of inches in a length measuring 6 feet 10 inches, you need to convert the feet into inches and then add them to the given inches.

First, convert the feet into inches. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, multiply 6 feet by 12 to get 72 inches.

Next, add the given inches to the converted inches: 72 inches + 10 inches = 82 inches.

Therefore, the correct answer is 82 inches.

72 inches not 82 inches