These events and reenactments went on for about four hundred years before spectators began to tire of the frequently brutal exhibitions. This shift in public tastes, combined with structural damage caused by an earthquake, brought an end to the use of the Colosseum as an entertainment venue. Instead of repairing the earthquake damage, Romans began to extricate materials like marble and bronze from the old amphitheater to help build new structures in the city, leaving the Colosseum in ruins.

What is the meaning of extricate as used in the text?


The meaning of "extricate" as used in the text is "Remove".

To determine the meaning of "extricate" in the context of the given text, we can look at the sentence that follows: "Romans began to extricate materials like marble and bronze from the old amphitheater to help build new structures in the city." From this sentence, we can infer that "extricate" means to remove. The Romans were removing materials like marble and bronze from the Colosseum to use in constructing new structures in the city. Therefore, the answer is "Remove."