How many inches are there in 2.5 miles? There are 5,280 feet in one mile and there are 12 inches in one foot.(1 point) Responses 158,400 inches 158,400 inches 13,200 inches 13,200 inches 30 inches 30 inches 1,100 inches

To convert miles to inches, we need to multiply the number of miles by the number of feet in one mile (5,280) and then multiply that by the number of inches in one foot (12).

So, there are 2.5 miles x 5,280 feet/mile x 12 inches/foot = 158,400 inches.

Therefore, the correct answer is 158,400 inches.

To convert miles to inches, we will start by converting 2.5 miles to feet. We know that there are 5,280 feet in one mile, so multiplying 2.5 by 5,280 gives us 13,200 feet.

Next, we will convert feet to inches. Since there are 12 inches in one foot, we can multiply 13,200 by 12, which gives us 158,400 inches.

Therefore, there are 158,400 inches in 2.5 miles.

To find out how many inches are there in 2.5 miles, we need to convert 2.5 miles to inches.

First, we know that there are 5,280 feet in one mile, so we can convert miles to feet by multiplying 2.5 by 5,280:

2.5 miles * 5,280 feet/mile = 13,200 feet

Next, we know that there are 12 inches in one foot. To convert feet to inches, we multiply the number of feet by 12:

13,200 feet * 12 inches/foot = 158,400 inches

Therefore, there are 158,400 inches in 2.5 miles.