If Jason has 14 green chips. How many purple chips does he have if the tape diagram below represents the ratio of the number of green chips the number of the purple chips which is 7 greens chips : 4 purple chips

A: 8 purple chips
B: 12 purple chips
C: 14 purple chips
D: 11 purple chips

To find the number of purple chips that Jason has, we need to determine the value of the ratio 7 green chips : 4 purple chips.

If we set up a proportion with the given information, we can solve for the number of purple chips.

We have: 7 green chips : 4 purple chips = 14 green chips : x purple chips

Cross multiplying, we get: 7x = 14 * 4

Simplifying, we have: 7x = 56

Dividing both sides by 7, we find: x = 8

Therefore, Jason has 8 purple chips.

The correct answer is A: 8 purple chips.

If the ratio of green chips to purple chips is 7 green chips : 4 purple chips, and Jason has 14 green chips, we can determine the number of purple chips by setting up a proportion.

Let "x" represent the number of purple chips.

We can set up the proportion:
7 green chips / 4 purple chips = 14 green chips / x purple chips

Cross-multiplying, we have:
7 green chips * x purple chips = 14 green chips * 4 purple chips

Simplifying, we get:
7x = 56 purple chips

Now we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 7:
x = 56 purple chips / 7
x = 8 purple chips

Therefore, Jason has 8 purple chips. The correct answer is option A: 8 purple chips.

To find the number of purple chips Jason has, we need to determine the ratio between green chips and purple chips.

According to the tape diagram, the ratio of green chips to purple chips is 7:4.

Since Jason has 14 green chips, we can set up a proportion to solve for the number of purple chips:

7 green chips / 4 purple chips = 14 green chips / x purple chips

To solve for x (the number of purple chips), we can cross-multiply:

7x = 14 * 4

Simplifying the right side:

7x = 56

Now, divide both sides by 7 to solve for x:

x = 56 / 7

x = 8

Therefore, Jason has 8 purple chips.

So, the correct answer is option A: 8 purple chips.