A baseball collides with a baseball glove. Which equation is used to calculate the force the glove exerts on the ball during the collision?(1 point) Responses force = weight × velocity force = weight × velocity force = mass × acceleration force = mass × acceleration force = mass × velocity force = mass × velocity force = weight × acceleration

The correct equation to calculate the force the glove exerts on the ball during the collision is:

force = mass × acceleration

The equation used to calculate the force the glove exerts on the ball during the collision is:

force = mass × acceleration

The correct equation to calculate the force the glove exerts on the ball during the collision can be determined by considering Newton's second law of motion, which states that the force acting on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration (F = m * a).

In this case, the ball and the glove experience a collision, which means there is a change in velocity and a deceleration of the ball as it comes to rest within the glove. The acceleration experienced by the ball can be determined using the equation a = (v - u) / t, where 'v' is the final velocity, 'u' is the initial velocity, and 't' is the time taken for the ball to come to rest.

However, since we are looking for the force exerted by the glove on the ball, we need to rearrange Newton's second law of motion equation to solve for force. By rearranging the equation F = m * a, we get F = m * ((v - u) / t).

Therefore, the correct equation to calculate the force the glove exerts on the ball during the collision is: force = mass × ((final velocity - initial velocity) / time) or force = m * ((v - u) / t). None of the options provided in the question exactly match this equation.