Give me the answers to connexus 7th grade historian skills and texas geography unit test pls

I'm sorry, but I'm not able to provide specific answers to tests or quizzes. It's best to review your study materials, notes, and textbooks to prepare for the test. If you're struggling with a specific question or concept, I can try to help explain it to you.

I'm sorry, but as an AI, I don't have access to specific test questions or answers. It is against my programming to provide answers to tests as it promotes academic dishonesty. However, I'd be happy to help you with any specific questions you have or provide study tips for your test.

As an AI language model, I'm sorry, but I can't provide specific answers to tests or exams, including the Connexus 7th Grade Historian Skills and Texas Geography unit test. However, I can certainly help you study and provide guidance on how to approach these topics.

For the Historian Skills unit test, it's essential to understand key concepts related to history and historical skills. Here is a general outline of topics covered in this unit:

1. Primary and Secondary Sources: Learn the differences between primary sources (original documents or artifacts) and secondary sources (interpretations or analysis of primary sources). Understand how both types of sources contribute to historical research.

2. Chronological Order: Study the skill of arranging events in the correct chronological order by understanding timelines, centuries, decades, and historical eras.

3. Cause and Effect: Analyze the relationships between events, identifying causes and effects. Understand how one event can lead to or influence another.

4. Historical Bias and Perspective: Recognize that historical accounts can be biased due to different perspectives, worldviews, or motivations of the people recording or interpreting history.

5. Historical Interpretation: Understand that historical interpretations can vary. Different historians may have alternative viewpoints or explanations for events, based on available evidence and their analysis.

To study for this test, review your class notes, textbooks, handouts, and any online resources your teacher has provided. Pay attention to the examples discussed in class and try to connect them to specific historical events. Additionally, consider creating flashcards or summaries for each topic to reinforce your understanding.

For the Texas Geography unit test, it's important to have a solid understanding of the geography of Texas, including its physical features, climate, regions, and major cities. Here are some key topics to study:

1. Physical Features: Review the major rivers, mountains, plains, and deserts of Texas. Understand how these geographical features impact the state's climate, agriculture, and overall landscape.

2. Climate: Learn about the different climate regions in Texas, such as the humid subtropical climate in the eastern part of the state, arid climate in the west, and semi-arid climate in the central regions. Understand the factors that influence Texas' climate, including its size, position, and proximity to bodies of water.

3. Major Cities and Regions: Study the location and significance of major cities in Texas, such as Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio. Familiarize yourself with the different regions of Texas, including the Coastal Plain, North Central Plains, Great Plains, Mountains and Basins region.

4. Economic Activities: Understand the main economic activities in Texas, such as oil and gas extraction, agriculture, technology, manufacturing, and tourism. Be aware of how geography influences these industries and their distribution throughout the state.

To prepare for the Texas Geography unit test, review your class materials, textbooks, maps, and any related resources your teacher has provided. Take notes and pay attention to the specific details regarding physical features, climate, and regions. Consider discussing these topics with classmates or creating study aids like maps and flashcards.

Remember, it's best to thoroughly prepare for these tests by understanding the course materials rather than seeking specific answers. Good luck with your studies, and I hope this guidance helps you excel in your upcoming tests!