Which question would apply to a fiction text?(1 point)


Who is the person being quoted in this section?
Who is the person being quoted in this section?

What is the conflict in this part of the text?
What is the conflict in this part of the text?

What importance did this experiment have?
What importance did this experiment have?

Why are these diagrams included

in the text?

Why are these diagrams included in the text?

in the text?

Why are these diagrams included in the text?

To identify which question would apply to a fiction text, we need to understand the nature of fiction. Fiction is a genre of literature that is created through imagination or invention. It consists of stories, characters, and events that are not based on real events or people.

Based on this understanding, the question that would apply to a fiction text would be:

"What is the conflict in this part of the text?"

Fiction often revolves around conflicts between characters or internal conflicts within a character. Identifying the conflict helps to understand the central problem or obstacle that the characters are facing in the story.

To determine the conflict in a fiction text, you can read the text carefully, paying attention to the actions, dialogue, and thoughts of the characters. Look for any tensions, disagreements, or obstacles that the characters are dealing with. Sometimes, the conflict may be explicitly stated, while other times you may need to infer it based on the events and interactions in the text.

Other questions listed:

- "Who is the person being quoted in this section?" - This question would be more applicable to a non-fiction text where quotes from real people are used as evidence or support.
- "What importance did this experiment have?" - This question would be more relevant to a scientific or non-fiction text that discusses experiments and their significance.
- "Why are these diagrams included?" - This question is more suited to a non-fiction text where diagrams are commonly used as visual aids to explain information or concepts.