What is the sum of 6.3 x 10^3 and 2.41 x 10^4? Use sciencetific notation to express your answer

To add these two numbers in scientific notation, we first need to ensure that they have the same exponent.

Rewriting 6.3 x 10^3 as 0.63 x 10^4, we can now perform the addition:

0.63 x 10^4 + 2.41 x 10^4 = 3.04 x 10^4

So, the sum of 6.3 x 10^3 and 2.41 x 10^4 is 3.04 x 10^4.

To add numbers in scientific notation, the first step is to ensure that the exponents are the same. In this case, we need to convert 6.3 x 10^3 to scientific notation with the same exponent as 2.41 x 10^4.

To do this, we can rewrite 6.3 x 10^3 as 0.063 x 10^4.

Now, we can add the numbers:

0.063 x 10^4 + 2.41 x 10^4 = (0.063 + 2.41) x 10^4 = 2.473 x 10^4

Therefore, the sum of 6.3 x 10^3 and 2.41 x 10^4 is 2.473 x 10^4 in scientific notation.

To find the sum of 6.3 x 10^3 and 2.41 x 10^4, we can follow these steps:

1. Ensure that both numbers have the same power of 10. In this case, we need to convert 6.3 x 10^3 to scientific notation with the same exponent as 2.41 x 10^4.

To convert 6.3 x 10^3 to scientific notation:
- Move the decimal point in 6.3 three places to the right to get 6300.
- Write the 10^3 exponent as 10^4 to match the exponent of 2.41 x 10^4.

Therefore, 6.3 x 10^3 becomes 6.3 x 10^4.

2. Now that both numbers have the same exponent, we can add them.

6.3 x 10^4 + 2.41 x 10^4 = (6.3 + 2.41) x 10^4 = 8.71 x 10^4.

So, the sum of 6.3 x 10^3 and 2.41 x 10^4 expressed in scientific notation is 8.71 x 10^4.