Which statement best explains the relationship between the Mexican government and Anglo-American settlers in Texas from 1821 to 1825?(1 point)


Decisions by the Mexican government caused Anglo-American settlers to declare independence, causing another revolution.
Decisions by the Mexican government caused Anglo-American settlers to declare independence, causing another revolution.

Anglo-American settlers created regular conflict with the Mexican government over land claims, causing the army to step in.
Anglo-American settlers created regular conflict with the Mexican government over land claims, causing the army to step in.

The Mexican government was still fighting for independence and let Anglo-American settlers govern themselves.
The Mexican government was still fighting for independence and let Anglo-American settlers govern themselves.

Political decisions made by the Mexican government caused a mixture of support and challenge from Anglo-American settlers.
Political decisions made by the Mexican government caused a mixture of support and challenge from Anglo-American settlers.
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Political decisions made by the Mexican government caused a mixture of support and challenge from Anglo-American settlers.

The statement that best explains the relationship between the Mexican government and Anglo-American settlers in Texas from 1821 to 1825 is: "Political decisions made by the Mexican government caused a mixture of support and challenge from Anglo-American settlers."

To determine which statement best explains the relationship between the Mexican government and Anglo-American settlers in Texas from 1821 to 1825, we need to analyze the options provided.

Option 1: Decisions by the Mexican government caused Anglo-American settlers to declare independence, causing another revolution.
Option 2: Anglo-American settlers created regular conflict with the Mexican government over land claims, causing the army to step in.
Option 3: The Mexican government was still fighting for independence and let Anglo-American settlers govern themselves.
Option 4: Political decisions made by the Mexican government caused a mixture of support and challenge from Anglo-American settlers.

To evaluate these options, it is important to understand the historical context. During this time, Texas was a Mexican territory, and Anglo-American settlers began to establish themselves in the region. However, tensions quickly arose between these settlers and the Mexican government.

Options 1 and 2 suggest that decisions and conflicts between the Mexican government and Anglo-American settlers led to declarations of independence and the involvement of the army. While conflict and disagreements did occur during this period, it does not accurately reflect the entire relationship between the two parties.

Option 3 suggests that the Mexican government allowed Anglo-American settlers to govern themselves. However, this is not entirely accurate as the Mexican government did not grant complete autonomy to the settlers.

Option 4 seems to be the most accurate as it acknowledges that the Mexican government's political decisions caused a mixture of support and challenge from Anglo-American settlers. It acknowledges that there were both positive and negative interactions between the two parties during this period.

Therefore, the statement that best explains the relationship between the Mexican government and Anglo-American settlers in Texas from 1821 to 1825 is: "Political decisions made by the Mexican government caused a mixture of support and challenge from Anglo-American settlers."