Which fact is true during a fission chain reaction?(1 point)


The total number of protons will increase over time.
The total number of protons will increase over time.

The number of freely-moving neutrons decreases over time.
The number of freely-moving neutrons decreases over time.

The number of freely-moving neutrons increases over time.
The number of freely-moving neutrons increases over time.

The total number of protons will decrease over time.

The number of freely-moving neutrons increases over time.

The number of freely-moving neutrons increases over time.

The correct answer is: The number of freely-moving neutrons increases over time.

During a fission chain reaction, a nucleus of an atom is split into two or more smaller nuclei, along with the release of a large amount of energy and the release of additional neutrons. These additional neutrons can go on to trigger the fission of other nuclei, leading to a self-sustaining chain reaction.

Initially, when the first nucleus undergoes fission, a few neutrons are produced. These neutrons are called "freely-moving" because they are not bound within the nucleus of an atom. These freely-moving neutrons then collide with other atomic nuclei, causing them to undergo fission as well, releasing more neutrons.

As the chain reaction progresses, the number of freely-moving neutrons increases because each fission event releases more neutrons than it consumes. This increase in the number of freely-moving neutrons is necessary to sustain the chain reaction.

Therefore, among the given options, the fact that is true during a fission chain reaction is that the number of freely-moving neutrons increases over time.