The size of a hydrogen atom is about 1.2 x 10^-10m across. The size of an oxygen atom is 0.00000000152 m across. What is the difference between the sizes of these atoms in scientific notation?

To find the difference between the sizes of these atoms, we subtract the size of the hydrogen atom from the size of the oxygen atom:

0.00000000152 m - 1.2 x 10^-10 m

To keep the same units, we need to express the size of the hydrogen atom as 0.00000000012 m:

0.00000000152 m - 0.00000000012 m

To subtract these values, we align the decimals:

- 0.00000000012

The result is:

0.00000000140 m

In scientific notation, this is approximately 1.4 x 10^-9 m.

To calculate the difference in size between the hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom in scientific notation, we need to subtract the two sizes and express the result in scientific notation.

Size of hydrogen atom: 1.2 × 10^-10 m
Size of oxygen atom: 1.52 × 10^-9 m

To subtract these values, we first need to make sure the numbers are in the same power of 10, which is the smaller exponent (-10) in this case.

1.2 × 10^-10 m - 1.52 × 10^-9 m

Now, let's subtract the decimal parts:
(1.2 - 1.52) × 10^-10 m

(-0.32) × 10^-10 m

In scientific notation, the difference between the sizes of these atoms is approximately -3.2 × 10^-11 m.

To find the difference between the sizes of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in scientific notation, you need to subtract their sizes and express the result in scientific notation.

The size of a hydrogen atom is given as 1.2 x 10^-10 m, and the size of an oxygen atom is given as 0.00000000152 m.

First, let's subtract the two sizes:

0.00000000152 m - 1.2 x 10^-10 m

To make the subtraction easier, we can convert both sizes to the same unit, such as meters.

To convert 0.00000000152 m to scientific notation, we write it as 1.52 x 10^-9 m. This is because we move the decimal point nine places to the left to get a number between 1 and 10.

Now, we can subtract the sizes:

1.52 x 10^-9 m - 1.2 x 10^-10 m

To subtract these numbers, we need to have the same power of 10. We can rewrite the second number as 0.12 x 10^-9 m.

Now, we can subtract:

1.52 x 10^-9 m - 0.12 x 10^-9 m = 1.40 x 10^-9 m

The difference between the sizes of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms, expressed in scientific notation, is 1.40 x 10^-9 m.