Although some people cannot tolerate spicy foods, others would relish the prospect of three red-hot meals every day. Spicy peppers, which contain the chemical capsaicin, are beloved by those who enjoy the resulting sensation. The moment capsaicin hits the tongue, it creates a wave of fiery heat. To soothe this, the body releases chemicals called endorphins.

How does the tone support the author's purpose?

By showing that one's body reacts to spicy peppers, the author advances the idea that the body is strong and adaptable.
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By using words like "tolerate" and "chemicals," the author encourages people to avoid spicy foods.
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By describing peppers in an exciting way, the author expresses the viewpoint that peppers are enticing.

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By describing peppers in an exciting way, the author expresses the viewpoint that peppers are enticing.

By describing peppers in an exciting way, the author expresses the viewpoint that peppers are enticing.

The answer is: By describing peppers in an exciting way, the author expresses the viewpoint that peppers are enticing.

The tone of the passage conveys excitement and enthusiasm towards spicy peppers. Words like "relish," "beloved," "fiery heat," and "soothe" all contribute to this tone. This supports the author's purpose of presenting spicy peppers as something desirable and appealing to those who enjoy the sensation they provide.