The _____ will attach to the enzyme and the _____ will be released from the enzyme.

1 point
substrate, product
product, substrate
active site, substrate
substrate, active site

substrate, product

The correct answer is: substrate, product.

The correct answer is: substrate, product.

In enzyme-catalyzed reactions, the substrate refers to the specific molecule that the enzyme acts upon. The substrate binds to the active site of the enzyme, which is a specific region where the reaction takes place. The active site is typically a small, cleft or pocket-shaped region within the enzyme's structure that specifically accommodates and interacts with the substrate. Upon binding to the active site, the substrate undergoes a chemical reaction, often resulting in a rearrangement of its molecular structure.

During this reaction, the substrate is converted into a different molecule called the product. The active site of the enzyme facilitates this conversion by providing an environment that promotes the reaction and lowers the activation energy required for it to occur. Once the reaction is complete, the product is released from the active site, and the enzyme can go on to catalyze another reaction with a new substrate.

Therefore, in the given question, the substrate will attach to the enzyme at the active site, and the product will be released from the enzyme after the reaction is complete.