Of the following choices, which ones influenced the emergence of opposing political parties? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

mounting pressure from Britain to further establish government
mounting pressure from Britain to further establish government

increase in the distribution of newspapers
increase in the distribution of newspapers

differences in opinion on how much power federal government should have
differences in opinion on how much power federal government should have

looming threat of war with France

increase in the distribution of newspapers and differences in opinion on how much power the federal government should have

Of the given choices, the following options influenced the emergence of opposing political parties:

- Differences in opinion on how much power the federal government should have.
- Looming threat of war with France.

Please note that the first two options appear to be duplicates.

To determine which choices influenced the emergence of opposing political parties, we can analyze each option:

1) Mounting pressure from Britain to further establish government: This option is mentioned twice, but it is unclear whether this refers to two separate factors or is simply a repetition. Assuming it only refers to one factor, it could potentially play a role in influencing the emergence of opposing political parties by creating divisions between those who support further government establishment under British influence and those who oppose it.

2) Increase in the distribution of newspapers: An increase in the distribution of newspapers can indeed be a significant factor in the formation of opposing political parties. Newspapers serve as a platform for different political ideologies and opinions to be expressed and disseminated, which can foster the development of distinct political factions.

3) Differences in opinion on how much power the federal government should have: This factor is known to be a major influence in the emergence of opposing political parties. Varying opinions on the extent of federal government power can lead to the formation of parties advocating for different levels of governmental control, hence increasing political polarization.

4) Looming threat of war with France: The looming threat of war with France could potentially contribute to the emergence of opposing political parties, as it might generate divergent views on matters such as foreign policy, national defense, and alliances.

Based on the explanations above, the choices that influenced the emergence of opposing political parties are:
- Increase in the distribution of newspapers
- Differences in opinion on how much power federal government should have
- Looming threat of war with France

1. Increase in the distribution of newspapers.

2. Differences in opinion on how much power the federal government should have.