All of the following devices are connected to the Internet of Things EXCEPT _

O An AM/FM radio without any bluetooth or Internet connection capabilities
O A smart thermostat that allows you to remotely control your home's temperature through a mobile app
• A digital baby monitor that allows you to stream video and audio of your nursery from the Internet
• A wearable device that measures your physical activity and allows you to track your activity through a mobile app

An AM/FM radio without any bluetooth or Internet connection capabilities.

The device that is NOT connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) is an AM/FM radio without any bluetooth or Internet connection capabilities.

To determine which device is not connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), we need to understand what IoT refers to. The Internet of Things refers to the network of physical devices, vehicles, and other items embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity, enabling them to connect and exchange data over the internet.

Let's analyze each option:

- An AM/FM radio without any Bluetooth or internet connection capabilities: This device does not have any connectivity features, such as Bluetooth or internet connectivity. As a result, it is not connected to the IoT.

- A smart thermostat that allows you to remotely control your home's temperature through a mobile app: This device, being a smart thermostat, does connect to the IoT. It can be remotely controlled through a mobile app, meaning it is connected to the internet and can exchange data.

- A digital baby monitor that allows you to stream video and audio of your nursery from the internet: This device enables streaming video and audio of your nursery over the internet. Since it can connect to the internet and exchange data, it is considered part of the IoT.

- A wearable device that measures your physical activity and allows you to track your activity through a mobile app: This wearable device connects to a mobile app, meaning it can exchange data over the internet. As a result, it is connected to the IoT.

By process of elimination, the device that is not connected to the Internet of Things is the AM/FM radio without any Bluetooth or internet connection capabilities.