1.95 x 10^6-1,845.19.

Show your work.

To solve this calculation, you need to subtract 1,845.19 from 1.95 x 10^6. Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Convert 1.95 x 10^6 to standard decimal notation:
1.95 x 10^6 = 1.95 * 1000000 = 1,950,000

Step 2: Subtract 1,845.19 from 1,950,000:
1,950,000 - 1,845.19 = 1,948,154.81

So, the result of 1.95 x 10^6 - 1,845.19 is 1,948,154.81.

To solve the expression 1.95 x 10^6 - 1,845.19, we can perform the subtraction as follows:

1.95 x 10^6 - 1,845.19 = (1.95 x 10^6) - 1,845.19

To subtract these two numbers, we need to have the same exponent for the power of 10. We can rewrite 1,845.19 as 1.84519 x 10^3:

(1.95 x 10^6) - (1.84519 x 10^3)

Now that the exponents are the same, we can perform the subtraction:

1.95 x 10^6 - 1.84519 x 10^3 = (1.95 - 1.84519) x 10^6

Calculating the subtraction:

(1.95 - 1.84519) = 0.10481

The result is 0.10481, and since the exponent is 6, we can write the final answer in scientific notation:

0.10481 x 10^6

To solve the expression 1.95 x 10^6 - 1,845.19, follow these steps:

1. Convert the decimal number into scientific notation. The number 1,845.19 can be written as 1.84519 x 10^3. You move the decimal point three places to the right to get the number in scientific notation.

2. Multiply the two numbers in scientific notation.

(1.95 x 10^6) - (1.84519 x 10^3)

To multiply, multiply the coefficients (numbers in front) together and then multiply the powers of 10 together.

1.95 x 1.84519 = 3.59189305

10^6 x 10^3 = 10^(6+3) = 10^9

So, (1.95 x 10^6) - (1.84519 x 10^3) becomes 3.59189305 x 10^9

3. Simplify the result.

3.59189305 x 10^9 is the final result after simplification.