Compare Ratios Quick Check

1 of 51 of 5 Items
Use the given tables to compare the ratios 3:5
and 2:3

3 5
6 10
9 15
12 20
15 25
2 3
4 6
6 9
8 12
10 15

(1 point)

3:5 > 2:3
3:5 > 2:3

3:5 < 2:3
ratio of 3 to 5 is less than ratio of 2 to 3

3:5 = 2:3
ratio of 3 to 5 is equal to ratio of 2 to 3

More rows need to be added to the tables to be able to compare the ratios.
More rows need to be added to the tables to be able to compare the ratios.
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The correct response is:

3:5 > 2:3

The ratio of 3:5 is greater than the ratio of 2:3.

To compare the ratios 3:5 and 2:3, we can simplify both ratios:

3:5 simplifies to 6:10, 9:15, 12:20, 15:25

2:3 simplifies to 4:6, 6:9, 8:12, 10:15

From the simplified ratios, we can see that 6:10, 9:15, 12:20, and 15:25 are all greater than 4:6, 6:9, 8:12, and 10:15.

Therefore, we can conclude that the ratio 3:5 is greater than the ratio 2:3.

To compare the ratios 3:5 and 2:3, we can examine the numbers in each table and see if there is a pattern. Here are the two given tables:

Table 1:
3 5
6 10
9 15
12 20
15 25

Table 2:
2 3
4 6
6 9
8 12
10 15

To compare the ratios, we need to check if the corresponding numbers are proportional. We can do this by dividing the numbers in each row of the table and checking if the results are equal.

Comparing the ratios in the first row:
For Table 1: 3/5 = 0.6
For Table 2: 2/3 ≈ 0.67

Since 0.6 < 0.67, we can already determine that the ratio 3:5 is less than the ratio 2:3.

We can repeat this process for the remaining rows and confirm our comparison:

For the second row:
For Table 1: 6/10 = 0.6
For Table 2: 4/6 ≈ 0.67

Again, 0.6 < 0.67, so the ratio 3:5 is less than the ratio 2:3.

By continuing this comparison for each row, we can see that the ratio 3:5 is consistently less than the ratio 2:3. Therefore, the correct answer is: 3:5 < 2:3.