We could see water on either side as we hiked along the ___


To provide a more accurate answer, I need additional information about the context of the sentence. Could you please provide more details or complete the sentence?

In order to complete the sentence and determine the missing word, we need to analyze the available information.

The clue provided is "We could see water on either side as we hiked along the ___." This suggests that the missing word refers to a specific place along the hiking route where water could be seen on both sides.

To find the missing word, we can use context clues and knowledge about hiking and natural features.

One possible answer could be "river." In many hiking trails, particularly those near bodies of water, it is common to encounter rivers or streams. If the hiking trail runs parallel to a water source, it would make sense to see water on both sides.

However, without more information or specific context, it is difficult to determine the exact missing word. There might be other possible answers like "lake," "coastline," or "creek." The missing word will ultimately depend on the specific location and surroundings described in the narrative.