
Which of the following is not a common form of persuasive writing?


persuasive essay

short story



The short story is not a common form of persuasive writing.

To determine which of the options is not a common form of persuasive writing, let's take a closer look at each option:

1. Advertisement: Advertisements are a prime example of persuasive writing. They try to persuade the audience to take a specific action, usually to purchase a product or service. So, an advertisement is a common form of persuasive writing.

2. Persuasive essay: Persuasive essays are specifically written to convince readers to agree with the writer's viewpoint on a particular topic. They often present arguments, evidence, and logical reasoning to support the writer's opinion. Therefore, persuasive essays are a well-known form of persuasive writing.

3. Short story: While short stories can be engaging and thought-provoking, their main purpose is to entertain or convey a narrative rather than to persuade. Short stories focus on character development, plot, and storytelling rather than presenting a persuasive argument. Hence, short stories are not typically considered a common form of persuasive writing.

4. Editorial: Editorials are opinion pieces written by journalists or writers who express their personal views on current events, social issues, or political matters. Editorials aim to persuade readers to adopt the writer's perspective by presenting arguments and providing evidence. Therefore, editorials are a common form of persuasive writing.

From the options provided, the one that is not a common form of persuasive writing is the "short story."