Based on what you know about Native American relationships with Spanish colonists, what can you infer about the way the Spanish viewed Native Americans? (1 point)

Spanish colonists saw Native Americans as their equals.
Spanish colonists felt that they were superior to Native Americans.
Spanish colonists admired Native Americans.
Spanish colonists had mixed feelings towards Native Americans.

Based on the information available, it can be inferred that Spanish colonists felt that they were superior to Native Americans.

Spanish colonists felt that they were superior to Native Americans.

To infer the way the Spanish viewed Native Americans based on their relationship, we can examine historical sources, records, and accounts from that time period. It is important to note that views may have varied among individuals and over time. Here are some steps you can take to get a comprehensive understanding:

1. Research primary sources: Look for first-hand accounts by Spanish colonists, such as journals, letters, and official documents. These sources can provide valuable insights into the attitudes and perceptions of the Spanish towards Native Americans.

2. Investigate historical context: Understand the broader historical context in which these interactions occurred. Consider factors such as the motivations for colonization, prevailing ideas of racial and cultural superiority, and the impact of religion and conquest.

3. Analyze patterns of behavior: Examine the interactions between Spanish colonists and Native Americans. Look for patterns of social, political, and economic relationships, including the treatment of Native Americans as subordinate laborers, the establishment of systems of control, and any evidence of forced assimilation or cultural erasure.

4. Evaluate indigenous testimonies: Seek out and analyze testimonies and oral histories from Native American communities. They provide insights into their own experiences and how they were perceived by the Spanish colonists.

By engaging in this process of research and analysis, you can form an informed inference about the views of the Spanish colonists towards Native Americans. While it is likely that there was a range of attitudes, based on the historical evidence, a common inference is that Spanish colonists generally felt superior to Native Americans, seeing them as culturally and racially inferior.