Based on what you know about Native American relationships with Spanish colonists, what can you infer about the way the Spanish viewed Native Americans? (1 point)

Spanish colonists saw Native Americans as their equals.
Spanish colonists felt that they were superior to Native Americans.
Spanish colonists admired Native Americans.
Spanish colonists had mixed feelings towards Native Americans.
Use the excerpt to answer the question.

Without the provided excerpt, I am unable to accurately answer the question. Please provide the necessary information.

I'm sorry, but I don't have access to the excerpt you mentioned. Please provide the relevant text or information so that I can help you answer the question.

To answer this question, we can analyze the way Spanish colonists viewed Native Americans based on historical evidence. The question mentions an excerpt, which would be helpful to directly answer the question.

However, without access to the excerpt or any specific historical evidence, we can still make an inference based on general knowledge about the relationship between Spanish colonists and Native Americans.

During the period of Spanish colonization, the general view held by the Spanish colonists was that they were superior to Native Americans. This belief was often rooted in ideas of cultural and religious superiority, as well as in the pursuit of wealth and power. Spanish colonists often sought to exploit Native American labor and resources for their own benefit. In some cases, they imposed forced labor, introduced diseases that decimated Native American populations, and destroyed indigenous cultures and traditions.

While this view of superiority was prevalent, it is important to note that not all Spanish colonists held the same beliefs or had a uniform perspective towards Native Americans. Some individuals may have had mixed feelings, admiring certain aspects of indigenous cultures or even forming positive relationships with Native Americans. Nonetheless, the overall attitude of Spanish colonists towards Native Americans was characterized by a sense of superiority and a desire to dominate and control them.

To provide a more accurate answer, it would be necessary to refer to specific historical evidence, such as the mentioned excerpt, to gain a deeper understanding of the perspective of Spanish colonists towards Native Americans during the specific time period being analyzed.