Tha blank should not change during the photosynthesis process

The blank that should not change during the photosynthesis process is "water."

The blank refers to a specific factor or element that should not change during the photosynthesis process. Since no specific blank is provided, it is difficult to determine the answer accurately. However, one vital component that should not change during photosynthesis is the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide is essential for the process of photosynthesis, and maintaining a constant concentration ensures its availability for plants to synthesize glucose and other organic compounds.

The blank in your statement refers to a missing word or concept. In this case, I assume you are asking about something that should remain constant or unchanged during the process of photosynthesis.

During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce glucose (a type of sugar) and oxygen. In order to identify what should not change during this process, let's break down the key components involved:

1. Sunlight: The intensity of sunlight can vary throughout the day, but for the purpose of photosynthesis, we assume a constant source of light. So, sunlight is not the answer.

2. Carbon dioxide (CO2): While the level of carbon dioxide can fluctuate in the surrounding environment, within the plant's cells, the concentration of CO2 should remain relatively stable. However, during photosynthesis, CO2 is absorbed and converted into glucose, causing a decrease in its concentration. Therefore, CO2 is not the answer.

3. Water (H2O): Similarly to carbon dioxide, the availability of water in the environment can vary, but within the plant, the concentration of water remains relatively constant. However, during photosynthesis, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen, resulting in a decrease in water concentration. Hence, water is not the answer.

4. Glucose: Glucose is the end product of photosynthesis. Once it is produced, it can be stored in various parts of the plant, used for energy, or converted into other molecules. However, during the photosynthesis process, the concentration of glucose increases. Therefore, glucose is also not the answer.

Based on the above analysis, the one component that should not change during the photosynthesis process is:

Oxygen (O2): Oxygen is released as a byproduct of photosynthesis, and its production is a key function of the process. Therefore, the concentration of oxygen should increase during photosynthesis. So, the blank should not be filled with "oxygen."

In conclusion, the component that should not change during the photosynthesis process is oxygen.