
Lee was amused watching his family's kitten play.

Which words mean almost the same as amused?

entertained, delighted, amused, pleased, tickled

Some words that mean almost the same as "amused" are entertained, delighted, pleased, and entertained.

To find words that mean almost the same as "amused," we can use a thesaurus. A thesaurus is a useful tool that provides synonyms, or words with similar meanings. You can find an online thesaurus by searching for "thesaurus" on a search engine.

When you visit a thesaurus website, you can enter the word "amused" in the search bar. The website will then provide you with a list of words that have similar meanings. Some words that may appear in the results could include "entertained," "delighted," "pleased," or "tickled." These words can be used interchangeably with "amused" to convey a similar meaning in the given sentence.