mi primo how would you say the Spanish words in Engilsh?

Sure! I can help you with that. Please provide me with the Spanish words you would like me to translate into English.

To translate Spanish words into English, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the Spanish word you want to translate.
2. Look up the English translation of the word in a Spanish-English dictionary or online translation tool.
3. If you're translating a noun, pay attention to its gender (masculine or feminine) as it may affect the translation.
4. Take note of any additional meanings or connotations that the word may have in English, as translations may vary depending on the context.
5. Practice using the translated word in English sentences to solidify your understanding of its usage.

Remember that translation can sometimes be subjective and there may not always be a direct one-to-one translation.

To translate Spanish words into English, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the Spanish word you want to translate.
2. Determine the part of speech of the word. Is it a noun, verb, adjective, or something else?
3. Take note of any specific context or meaning associated with the word to understand its usage accurately.
4. Consult a reliable Spanish-English dictionary or an online translation tool, such as Google Translate, WordReference, or Linguee.
5. Enter the Spanish word into the search bar of the dictionary or translation tool.
6. Review the various translations provided, considering the part of speech and context of the word.
7. Choose the most appropriate English translation based on the given options.
8. Pay attention to any nuances or alternate meanings of the word that may affect the translation choice.
9. Use the translated word in the corresponding English context or sentence to ensure accurate usage.

Remember, translation tools are helpful, but they may not always provide the precise or idiomatic translation. It's essential to consider the context and consult additional resources if needed.