The stage of plot that comes directly after rising action is called _____



falling action.

internal conflict.

falling action.

The stage of the plot that comes directly after rising action is called falling action.

The stage of the plot that comes directly after the rising action is called the falling action. To arrive at this answer, we can break down the components of a plot:

1. Exposition: This is the introduction to the story where characters, setting, and background information are established.
2. Rising Action: This is the series of events that build tension and develop the conflict of the story.
3. Climax: This is the turning point or peak of the story where the conflict reaches its highest intensity.
4. Falling Action: This is the stage where the tension and conflict start to decrease, leading towards the resolution.
5. Resolution: This is the conclusion or outcome of the story where loose ends are tied up, and the conflict is resolved.

Given that the question asks about the stage directly after the rising action, the correct answer is falling action.