There are 105 children performing in 3 school bands. Each band has the same number of children. How many children are performing in each school band?

To find out how many children are performing in each school band, we divide the total number of children performing by the number of school bands.

105 children / 3 school bands = <<105/3=35>>35 children

Therefore, there are 35 children performing in each school band.

To find out how many children are performing in each school band, we can divide the total number of children by the number of school bands.

Given that there are 105 children performing in 3 school bands, we can divide 105 by 3.

105 ÷ 3 = 35

Therefore, there are 35 children performing in each school band.

To find out how many children are performing in each school band, you need to divide the total number of children by the number of school bands. In this case, there are 105 children and 3 school bands.

The formula to find the number of children in each band is:

Number of children in each band = Total number of children / Number of school bands

So, let's substitute the given values into the formula:

Number of children in each band = 105 children / 3 school bands

Simplifying this division:

Number of children in each band = 35 children

Therefore, there are 35 children performing in each school band.