How do you write 5 is to 1 as 30 us to 4 as a proportion in fractional notation?

To write "5 is to 1 as 30 is to 4" as a proportion in fractional notation, we can set up the equation:

5/1 = 30/4

Both fractions are equivalent, so we can simplify further if needed.

To write the ratio "5 is to 1 as 30 is to 4" as a proportion in fractional notation, you need to create two fractions and set them equal to each other.

Step 1: Write the first ratio as a fraction: 5/1.
Step 2: Write the second ratio as a fraction: 30/4.
Step 3: Set the two fractions equal to each other: 5/1 = 30/4.

Now, you can simplify this proportion. To do that, you can multiply both the numerator and denominator of one fraction by the same number until you get a whole number.

Step 4: Multiply the numerator and denominator of the fraction 5/1 by 6:
5/1 * 6/6 = 30/6.

Step 5: Simplify the fraction 30/6 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 6:
30/6 รท 6/6 = 5/1.

So the proportion "5 is to 1 as 30 is to 4" in fractional notation is:
5/1 = 30/4.

To write the proportion "5 is to 1 as 30 is to 4" in fractional notation, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Convert the phrase "is to" into a ratio. This means we can write "5 is to 1" as 5:1.

Step 2: Do the same for the second part of the proportion: "30 is to 4" becomes 30:4.

Step 3: To write the entire proportion in fractional notation, we place the first ratio over the second ratio using a colon (:) or the horizontal fraction bar.

So, "5 is to 1 as 30 is to 4" in fractional notation will be:

5/1 : 30/4

Simplifying this fraction, we can multiply the numerator and denominator of the first fraction by 4 to get:

20/4 : 30/4

Simplifying further, we have:

20 : 30

In conclusion, "5 is to 1 as 30 is to 4" in fractional notation is 20/30.