Savannah is very good at keeping her school binder organized. Every time her teacher returns an assignment, Savannah puts it in the right section. Savannah has 132 assignments in the history, science, and art sections combined. The rest of her assignments are in the math section. Savannah has 197 assignments in total.

Use an equation to find the number of assignments in the math section of Savannah's binder.

Let the number of assignments in the math section be represented by x.

We know that the number of assignments in the history, science, and art sections combined is 132.
This means the number of assignments in the math section is 197 - 132 = 65.

Therefore, the equation that represents the number of assignments in the math section is:
x = 65.

Let's assume the number of assignments in the math section is represented by the variable "x".

Since Savannah has 132 assignments in the history, science, and art sections combined, we can subtract this number from the total number of assignments to find the number of assignments in the math section:

Total assignments - Assignments in history, science, and art = Assignments in math section
197 - 132 = x

Simplifying the equation:

65 = x

Therefore, the number of assignments in the math section of Savannah's binder is 65.

Let's represent the number of assignments in the math section as "x".

We know that Savannah has a total of 197 assignments, and she has 132 assignments in the history, science, and art sections combined. So, the number of assignments in the math section can be found by subtracting the assignments in other sections from the total number of assignments:

Math assignments = Total assignments - (History assignments + Science assignments + Art assignments)

Math assignments = 197 - 132

Math assignments = 65

Therefore, there are 65 assignments in the math section of Savannah's binder.