Which time of day is described in this setting?

The sunlight peeked over the mountains, and Hector’s alarm sounded. He sat up in bed and stretched. He could smell coffee brewing in the kitchen.

early morning


early afternoon

late night

early morning

The time of day described in this setting is early morning. The details such as the sunlight peeking over the mountains, Hector's alarm sounding, and the smell of coffee brewing in the kitchen indicate that it is the beginning of the day.

The setting described in the passage suggests that it is early morning. Here's how to identify the time of day based on the given information:

1. "The sunlight peeked over the mountains": This indicates that it is sunrise or just after sunrise, as sunlight typically starts to appear over the horizon during the early morning hours.

2. "Hector's alarm sounded": People usually set alarms to wake up in the morning, suggesting that Hector is waking up at the start of his day.

3. "He sat up in bed and stretched": Waking up, sitting up, and stretching are common morning routines.

4. "He could smell coffee brewing in the kitchen": Many people have coffee as part of their morning routine, so the smell of coffee brewing suggests that it is still early in the day.

Based on these clues, it can be inferred that the time of day described in the setting is early morning.