Finn is new to digital design and doesn't have a software budget. Which program would be a good place to start?

A. Photoshop
B. Sketch
C. Canva
D. Balsamiq

C. Canva

If Finn is new to digital design and doesn't have a software budget, a good place to start would be a free program. Out of the options given, Canva would be a good choice. Canva is a user-friendly and browser-based graphic design software that offers a wide range of templates, layouts, and design tools. It is particularly useful for creating social media graphics, presentations, posters, and other visual content.

If Finn is new to digital design and doesn't have a software budget, a good place to start would be C. Canva. Canva is a web-based design tool that offers a wide range of templates and features for creating graphics and designs. It is beginner-friendly and provides an intuitive interface that is easy to learn and use.

To get started with Canva, Finn can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser and go to Canva's website.
2. Sign up for a free account by clicking on the "Get started" or "Sign up" button.
3. Fill in the necessary information, such as name and email address, to create an account.
4. Once signed in, Finn can explore the various design templates and categories available on Canva.
5. Select a template that suits the design project Finn wants to work on (e.g., social media post, flyer, business card, etc.).
6. Customize the selected template by editing the text, images, colors, and other design elements using Canva's user-friendly interface.
7. After making the desired changes, Finn can download the design by clicking on the download button and selecting the appropriate file format (e.g., JPEG, PNG, PDF).

By starting with Canva, Finn can gain hands-on experience with digital design without the need for any expensive software. It provides a solid foundation for learning design principles and techniques, which can be later applied to more advanced software programs like Photoshop, Sketch, or Balsamiq.