A group of friends are going bowling.

The bowling alley charges $2 per person for shoes plus a fee of $15 for the lane.
Write an expression to find the total cost of the bowling trip for (f) friends.

The expression to find the total cost of the bowling trip for (f) friends can be written as:

2f + 15

To find the total cost of the bowling trip for (f) friends, you need to add the cost of shoes for each friend to the cost of the lane fee.

The cost of shoes per person is $2, so the total cost for the shoes would be 2f (since there are f friends).

The lane fee is $15.

Therefore, the expression to find the total cost of the bowling trip for (f) friends would be:
Total Cost = (2f) + 15

To find the total cost of the bowling trip for (f) friends, we need to calculate the cost of the shoes and the lane fee per person, and then multiply that by the number of friends.

The cost of shoes per person is $2, and the lane fee is $15. So, the total cost per person is $2 + $15 = $17.

To find the total cost for (f) friends, we can multiply the total cost per person by the number of friends (f):

Total Cost = $17 * f

Therefore, the expression to find the total cost of the bowling trip for (f) friends is: 17f.