Find the cube root of -343: -343


The cube root of -343 is -7.

To find the cube root of -343, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the sign of the cube root.
Since -343 is a negative number, the cube root will also be negative.

Step 2: Find the absolute value of -343.
The absolute value of -343 is 343.

Step 3: Find the cube root of 343.
The cube root of 343 is 7, as 7 * 7 * 7 equals 343.

Step 4: Apply the negative sign to the cube root.
Since the cube root was determined to be negative in step 1, the cube root of -343 is -7.

Therefore, the cube root of -343 is -7.

To find the cube root of -343, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Take the absolute value of -343, which is 343.

Step 2: Find the cube root of 343. Since 7 x 7 x 7 = 343, the cube root of 343 is 7.

Step 3: Determine the sign of the cube root. Since the original number, -343, is negative, the cube root will also be negative.

Therefore, the cube root of -343 is -7.