Canadians pay higher taxes so that the government can control and fund which of the following? Select ALL that apply. (1 point)

postal service
postal service





Canadians pay higher taxes in order for the government to control and fund the following:

1. Postal service: The government uses tax revenue to maintain and fund the postal service in Canada.

2. Healthcare: Higher taxes in Canada contribute to funding the universal healthcare system, known as Medicare, which provides medical services to all Canadian citizens.

Please note that taxation does not particularly go towards directly controlling or funding corporations or mining activities.

To determine which of the following options are funded and controlled by the Canadian government through higher taxes, we need to understand the Canadian tax system and its allocation of funds.

1. Postal Service: In Canada, the postal service is funded and controlled by the government, and it is commonly known as Canada Post. It operates as a Crown corporation, which means it is owned and operated by the government. Therefore, Canadians pay taxes to ensure the functioning and accessibility of postal services.

2. Corporations: Higher taxes in Canada do not directly fund or control corporations. However, the Canadian government does regulate and impose taxes on corporations through the federal and provincial tax systems. This includes corporate income tax, which contributes to government revenue and the overall functioning of the country.

3. Mining: The Canadian government does not use higher taxes to directly control or fund the mining industry. However, they have regulations and policies in place to govern mining activities, such as environmental standards, licensing, and resource extraction fees. The revenue generated from these fees contributes to government funds.

4. Healthcare: Healthcare in Canada is primarily funded through taxes. Canadians pay higher taxes to support the national healthcare system known as Medicare. The government oversees and controls the healthcare system to ensure universal access to medical services. This includes funding hospitals, clinics, healthcare providers, and essential services like doctor visits and hospital stays.

Based on the above explanations, the options that are funded and controlled by the Canadian government through higher taxes are:

- Postal service
- Healthcare

Therefore, the answer to the question is postal service and healthcare.