Vijay and his friends are preparing for an epic snowball fight. They make 80 snowballs before Vijay's dad calls them in for lunch. After lunch, they make more snowballs. In all, Vijay and his friends make 161 snowballs.

Which equation can you use to find the number of snowballs s Vijay and his friends make after lunch?
Solve this equation for s to find the number of snowballs Vijay and his friends make after lunch.

The equation that can be used to find the number of snowballs s Vijay and his friends make after lunch is s = 161 - 80.

To solve for s, we simply subtract 80 from 161, which gives us s = 81.

So, Vijay and his friends make 81 snowballs after lunch.

Let's use the equation:

Total number of snowballs = Number of snowballs before lunch + Number of snowballs after lunch

In this case,

Total number of snowballs = 161
Number of snowballs before lunch = 80
Number of snowballs after lunch = s (unknown)

So, the equation becomes:

161 = 80 + s

To find the number of snowballs Vijay and his friends make after lunch (s), we can solve this equation for s.

161 - 80 = s
81 = s

Therefore, Vijay and his friends make 81 snowballs after lunch.

To find the number of snowballs that Vijay and his friends make after lunch, we can use the equation:

Total number of snowballs = Number of snowballs before lunch + Number of snowballs after lunch

Let's assign variables to the unknown quantities:
Let "s" be the number of snowballs they make after lunch.
Let "80" be the number of snowballs they make before lunch.
Let "161" be the total number of snowballs.

Using the equation, we have:
161 = 80 + s

To solve for "s", we need to isolate it on one side of the equation.

161 - 80 = s

81 = s

Therefore, s = 81.

So Vijay and his friends make 81 snowballs after lunch.