Solve the system of equations using your Desmos calculator:

(1 point)

(-4, 2)
(-4, 2)

(-2, 4)
(-2, 4)

(4, -2)
(4, -2)

(14, -20)

The correct solution to the system of equations is (-2, 4).

To solve the system of equations using the Desmos calculator, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the Desmos calculator on your computer or device.
2. Enter the first equation, 3x+2y=2, as "3x+2y=2" in the equation bar or by clicking on the "+" button and selecting "y=."
3. Enter the second equation, -2x+y=8, as "-2x+y=8" in the equation bar or by clicking on the "+" button and selecting "y=."
4. Press Enter or click on the graph icon to plot the equations on the coordinate plane.
5. The point where the two lines intersect represents the solution to the system of equations.
6. Read the coordinates of the intersection point from the graph.

Based on your options, it appears that the solution is (-4, 2).

To solve the system of equations using Desmos calculator, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the website

2. Once you're on the calculator page, you'll see an input bar at the top. In this bar, type in the first equation: 3x + 2y = 2.

3. Press Enter to graph the equation on the calculator.

4. Next, type in the second equation: -2x + y = 8.

5. Press Enter again to graph this equation.

6. The graph will display both equations as lines on the coordinate plane.

7. Look for the point where the two lines intersect. This represents the solution to the system of equations.

8. To find the exact coordinates of the point, you can zoom in on the graph or use the provided coordinates in the answer choices.

Based on the answer choices you provided, the correct solution to the system of equations is (-4, 2). This means that x = -4 and y = 2.