What is the total number of migrants present in a country called?(1 point) Responses pull factor pull factor stock stock immigrant immigrant emigrant

The total number of migrants present in a country is called "stock."

The total number of migrants present in a country is referred to as the migrant stock.

To determine the total number of migrants present in a country, you would typically rely on official government statistics or reports from relevant organizations such as the United Nations or International Organization for Migration. These sources compile and analyze data on migration trends, including the number of immigrants and emigrants within a country.

To find this information, you can start by visiting the official website of the country's immigration authority or ministry responsible for tracking migration. Look for statistical reports or publications related to migration that might provide the required data.

Alternatively, you can also search for reports or studies by international organizations that focus on migration, such as the United Nations or the International Organization for Migration. These organizations often publish data and statistics on migration trends worldwide, including specific countries.

It's important to note that the availability and reliability of data may vary from country to country, so it's advisable to consult multiple sources and cross-reference the information to get a more accurate estimate of the total number of migrants in a particular country.