which of the following describes a context clue?

phrases in a text have a meaning other than their literal meanings?
information in a text that helps the reader understand the meaning of a word
descriptions in a text that help the reader picture what the author is describing
dictionary definitions of a word included in a text to help the reader understand their meaning.

Information in a text that helps the reader understand the meaning of a word

The correct answer is: information in a text that helps the reader understand the meaning of a word. A context clue is a piece of information or detail provided within a text that assists the reader in understanding the meaning of an unfamiliar or ambiguous word or phrase.

The correct answer is: information in a text that helps the reader understand the meaning of a word.

A context clue is a piece of information provided within a text that helps the reader determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word or phrase. It can be a word, a phrase, or even a sentence that gives clues or hints about the word's meaning. By using context clues, readers can make educated guesses about the intended definition of a word based on the surrounding text.

To identify a context clue, the reader should pay attention to the words or phrases that are close to the unfamiliar word, as well as any other information provided in the same sentence or paragraph. Sometimes, the author might directly explain the meaning of the word, provide synonyms or antonyms, or use examples to clarify its usage. By analyzing these context clues, readers can better understand the overall meaning of the text.