In all, there are 24 blocks in the groups below. Each group is the same size.

A picture of two groups. Each group has one ten-cube rod and two units cubes.

Which number sentence shows how to find the number of blocks in each group?

The number sentence that shows how to find the number of blocks in each group would be:

10 + (2 x 1) = 10 + 2 = 12

To find the number of blocks in each group, you need to add the number of cubes in the ten-cube rod to the number of unit cubes in each group.

The number sentence that shows this is:

10 cubes + 2 unit cubes = Total number of blocks in each group

To find the number of blocks in each group, we need to count the total number of blocks and divide it by the number of groups.

From the given information, we know that there are 24 blocks in total and each group is the same size. In each group, there is one ten-cube rod and two unit cubes.

To calculate the total number of blocks in each group, we need to add the number of blocks in the ten-cube rod and the number of blocks in the two unit cubes.

The number of blocks in the ten-cube rod is 10, and the number of blocks in the two unit cubes is 2 + 2 = 4.

So, the total number of blocks in each group is 10 + 4 = 14.

To represent this as a number sentence, we can write:

Total number of blocks ÷ Number of groups = Number of blocks in each group
24 ÷ Number of groups = 14