What is the sixth number in the pattern below?

106, 98, 90, _____, _____, _____

The pattern appears to be decreasing by 8 each time.

The missing numbers in the pattern are:
82, 74, 66

Therefore, the sixth number in the pattern is 66.

To find the sixth number in the given pattern, we need to identify the pattern or rule governing the sequence. By observing the given numbers, we can notice that each number is decreasing by 8 from the previous number.

Using this pattern, we can continue the sequence:

106, 98, 90, 82, 74, 66

Therefore, the sixth number in the pattern is 66.

To find the sixth number in the pattern, let's analyze the given sequence:

106, 98, 90, ____, ____, ____

We can observe that the pattern is decreasing by 8 between each consecutive number. So, to find the missing numbers, we need to subtract 8 from the previous number.

To find the missing number after 90, we subtract 8 from 90:
90 - 8 = 82

To find the missing number after 82, we subtract 8 from 82:
82 - 8 = 74

So, the missing numbers are 82 and 74.

Therefore, the complete sequence is:
106, 98, 90, 82, 74.

The sixth number in the pattern is 74.