Which statement from “A Cub Pilot” best supports the answer in Part A?


“The whole river is bristling with dangers in a moment; he is not prepared for them; all his knowledge forsakes him; and within fifteen minutes he is ...scared almost to death.”
“The whole river is bristling with dangers in a moment; he is not prepared for them; all his knowledge forsakes him; and within fifteen minutes he is ...scared almost to death.”

“If anybody had questioned my ability to run any crossing between Cairo and New Orleans without help or instruction, I should have felt irreparably hurt.”
“If anybody had questioned my ability to run any crossing between Cairo and New Orleans without help or instruction, I should have felt irreparably hurt.”

“All [Mr. Bixby] ever did was to take the wheel on particularly bad nights or in particularly bad crossings . . . and collect the wages.”
“All [Mr. Bixby] ever did was to take the wheel on particularly bad nights or in particularly bad crossings . . . and collect the wages.”

“My imagination began to construct dangers out of nothing, and they multiplied faster than I could keep the run of them.

“My imagination began to construct dangers out of nothing, and they multiplied faster than I could keep the run of them.

The statement that best supports the answer in Part A is: "My imagination began to construct dangers out of nothing, and they multiplied faster than I could keep the run of them."

To determine which statement from "A Cub Pilot" best supports the answer in Part A, we need to identify the information provided in Part A.

Since Part A is not provided in the question, it is necessary to have access to it in order to determine the correct answer. Please include Part A for further assistance.