According to the menu, this restaurant serves french fries?

1 point


Cierto. The menu states that this restaurant serves french fries.

To determine if the restaurant serves French fries according to the menu, you need to look at the menu itself. Here's how you can do it:

1. Find a copy of the restaurant's menu: You can either visit the restaurant's website and look for a digital copy of their menu, or you can check if they have a physical menu at their location.

2. Look for the section that lists different food items: The menu will likely have different sections such as appetizers, main courses, or sides. You need to find the section that might include French fries.

3. Check if French fries are mentioned in the menu: Look for specific food items or descriptions that mention French fries. It could be listed as "French fries," "fries," or "potato fries." Keep in mind that some restaurants might call them by a different name.

4. Determine if the restaurant serves French fries: If you see French fries or a similar description on the menu, then the answer to the question is "Cierto" (True). If you cannot find any mention of French fries on the menu, the answer would be "Falso" (False).

Remember to always refer to the actual menu to find accurate information about the food served at a restaurant.